Eureka Foundation

Jerzy Stelmach Eureka Foundation

We are a non-profit organization which was established on the 7th of January 2013 in the name of prof. Jerzy Stelmach - a physicist, a cosmologist, and a popularizer of science in Poland. It was created by the group of Jerzy's friends and collaborators who wanted to keep the memory of his achievements in the promotion of science to the public.

The Foundation takes care of the exhibition "Eureka" created by its patron as a small and a precursor in Poland science center. The Foundation also takes care of the 3 out of 10 most beautiful experiments in physics in Szczecin (Cavendish's experiment, Foucault pendulum and Young's experiment).

Since the Foundation collects among its core the active researchers (the president is a cosmologist prof. Mariusz P. Dąbrowski), then it organizes also other important activities related to the outrage of the research in the so-called ''Discussion Fora" and other forms of open to the public lectures. It also co-organizes the scientific conferences with the recent one ALTECOSMOFUN'21.

The registered lectures, talks, workshops etc. can be found on the Eureka Foundation You Tube account.

You may donate to support our Foundation into an account:

Alior Bank SA, Łopuszańska 38D, 02-232 Warszawa, Poland
IBAN: PL 79 2490 0005 0000 4530 1852 2168

writing in Polish: "darowizna na rzecz fundacji" or in English: "donation for the Eureka Foundation".